Struggling to love? Maybe it’s because we have to first receive it before we can give it 💞
We call Jesus Lord, but He calls us friend. We wander far, but He remains near. His most extravagant show of love is his death so that WE might escape death eternal.
He loves us.
No cleaning up required.
No performing perfected.
Us…just the way we are.
Of ALL the religions in the world, this is THE ONLY one founded on relationship.
His command in John 15:17 fulfills all others:
“This is my command: Love each other.”
It’s not a fluffy, Pollyanna kinda love that overlooks offense. It addresses it…in love.
It’s not a, “Let’s talk about anything, but the hard things between us.” It addresses the shady gray with Truth, in love & with love!
Love doesn’t desert. Love leans in when things get hard.
True love isn’t a disregarded, doormat kinda love that allows people to wipe their emotional feet on our hearts. True love speaks Truth & sets healthy boundaries to preserve future relationship.
This kinda love is hard & honestly impossible if He hadn’t loved first…He loved even unto death a people who deserve only death!
Jesus said that His branches who do not produce fruit will be pruned at best, or cut off & thrown into the fire at worst. It’s not a threat, but an invitation to abide in His extravagant love & experience the fruit that comes when we do!
If we love the way He loves us, even unto death of selfish ambition & personal preference, choosing to speak Truth in love, allowing people freedom to love back or go their own way, that kinda love, He promises, brings joy in the highest form!
Oh Papa, may we remain in The Vine so we can love with Your love! Bring to mind a way we can love with Your serve-with-no-expectation-of-return kinda love.
Holy Spirit, permeate our hearts with patience, kindness & humility. Guard us from irritability & keeping a record of wrongs. Help us love with grace & Truth that never gives up.
That kinda love is impossible apart from You, so help us make FaceTime with the Father the most important priority on the daily! We choose to abide in You so Your Word might abide in us. Undo our will so that Thine might be done!
2 SAMUEL 9:1-11:27
JOHN 15:1-27
PSALM 119:49-64