Have I mentioned recently how much I L-O-V-E the One Year Bible? I think I have mentioned several times in the past few posts and yet I can’t help but shout from the rooftops what an adventure it is to seek the Lord through this amazing Source of Truth. Time and again, I open it with a heavy-ish heart and ask the Lord to speak, praying through Psalm 139:23-24:
Search me O God and know my heart – what is happening in my heart this morning?
Test me and know my anxious thoughts – do I feel anxious about anything?
See if there is an offensive way in me – do I need to seek forgiveness from someone or offer forgiveness to someone?
And lead me in The Way of everlasting life… (caps mine) – Lord, lead me. Jesus, you are The Way and The Way Maker, inform my approach and give me your marching orders for the day. Lead me moment by moment through the Truth of your Word.
Well, this has been the case in recent weeks. Sitting down with a heart tempted to worry and choosing instead to allow the Truth of God’s Word to instruct, correct, exhort and encourage. Even though I leave that sacred time with my Lord with nothing changed in the physical, I find everything changed with the lens through which I see and the peace-filled stance of my heart.
As I opened the One Year Bible today, I was yet again stunned by the relevance and timeliness of God’s Word! I will include the passages that I read below and then wrap up with a quick thought and prayer of encouragement :)
…no harm will come to the godly… Proverbs 12:21 [Promise!!!]
…Then they remembered that God was their Rock… Psalm 78:35
Oh how often [the Israelites] rebelled against [God] in the wilderness and grieved his heart in that dry wasteland. They did not remember his power – how He rescued them. They did not remember his miraculous signs [how He saved them from their enemies]…52 but He led his own people like a flock of sheep, guiding them safely through the wilderness. He kept them safe so they were not afraid. Psalm 78:40-43, 52
Jesus speaking: Can all your worry add a single moment to your life? And if worry can’t accomplish a little thing like that what’s the use of worrying about bigger things? And if God cares so wonderfully for the lilies of the field…He will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?
[Worry] dominates the thoughts of unbelievers all over the world, but your Father already knows your needs! Seek the kingdom of God above all else and He will give you all you need.
So don’t worry, little flock, for it gives your Father great happiness to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:25~30
He is the Rock; his deeds are perfect. Deuteronomy 32:4 [Faith-filled Proclamation!!!]
But the rock of our enemies is not like our Rock… Deuteronomy 32:31
Can you see the sweet tenderness of the Father to speak so specifically? In various books of the Bible in today’s collection, He addresses worry, tells how the Israelites grieved his heart for not remembering His faithfulness, but then recalls when they did remember that He is their Rock!
The Word of God is direct, offering correction and yet tender, offering encouragement all in one sweeping motion…His love for us takes my breath away!
I love that the Old Testament reading reminds us how our heavenly Father leads us like a flock of sheep, guiding us safely through the wilderness. Even though we might not know what is ahead, just like the Israelites, He will keep us safe SO THAT we will have no need of fear! He promises that, no harm will come to the godly.
And then can we talk about Jesus’ kindhearted words of compassion??? Our Shepherd, Savior, Protector and Lord calls us His, “little flock”, reminding us not to be afraid for our Father takes great delight in providing for our very specific needs! Just as our Creator cares for the flowers of the field, Jesus promises that our God, will certainly care for us!
Oh, Father God,
How your Word takes my breath away! Your Word says that your very breath is what brought us to life so why would it be any different today? Your Word is just that! Your Word! It is your breath of life and we praise you that we can turn to your Word moment by moment and you will speak! And not only that, we can take you, The Word, at your Word! Father, we do not want our thoughts to be dominated by worry. We do not want to grieve your heart…we desire to seek your notice in such a way that would cause you to say, “Oh my, Son! Oh my, Daughter! You have such great faith!” We lay all of our burdens at your feet knowing that worry cannot add a single moment to our lives. You are trustworthy. You are faithful. We remember that You are our Rock – our Bedrock! You alone are our Foundation and your deeds are perfect! We entrust our future to you knowing that as your “Little Flock”, You know our specific needs even before we speak them! Jesus, we choose to follow you as our Shepherd. Holy Spirit. give us eyes to see, ears to hear and minds to remember that we are God’s Little Flock who stand firm on The Rock!
p.s. As I was reading and writing in my journal this a.m., these two songs played on Spotify…only God, in His perfect timing, would double His encouragement through song while I soaked in the foundational bedrock of the Truth of His Word! Y’all! Test Him and see that He is good! His Word is relevant and timely and an immediate perspective changer! :)
Raise A Hallelujah ~Bethel Music
Do It Again ~Elevation Worship
Thank you Desktop Nexus for the use of the sheep pic :)