Being still when our surroundings feel like chaos can be so hard, right? Here’s a quick reminder and prayer that you might stop in midst of all of it and experience the refuge, strength and peace that comes when we remember that He is God (& we are not 😉)
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wife | mama
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organizational consultant
less stuff <∞> more life
Oct 15, 20221 min read

I wonder if anyone is like me this morning, in need of God’s reminder that, “It’s handled?”
I don’t what what “It” is for you, but I could fill in the blank with a few things 😉
Maybe you are waiting with great anticipation, maybe even with a little fear or trepidation, for a very tangible answer to a long-awaited prayer?
The writer of Psalm 85 speaks promise and caution to those of us who are waiting on God to align our circumstances with our beliefs.💞
When we’re waiting for healing to happen, money to come, reconciliation to unfold or opportunities to arise, we can rest assured in the very Presence of Peace, knowing that He will make a way!
Verse 8 promises that when we listen carefully to what God alone says, (verses what the world screams or our emotions bellow), our peace is directly impacted!
It also warns us that when we turn our ear to anything or anyone but Him, we open the door to become tempted to return to our “foolish ways”.
We’ve no need to fear or to try to figure things out, for our faithful Father promises His peace (that exceeds all understanding) to guard our hearts while we wait on His perfect timing.
So I invite you to join me today and take Him at His Word, trusting that “It’s handled.” 🤗
Dec 15, 20212 min read

When the boy’s were little & I was trying to teach them the spelling & use of “there, they’re & “their”, I’d say “Where?” & they’d say, “There!” That funny phrase popped in my thoughts as I read the book of Micah.
He’s a prophet warning the people of Israel of the coming consequences of their sin.
Chapter 4 takes a turn, however, & begins to tell of the end of times. He writes that the mountain of the Lords house will be the highest & most important place on earth! People will beckon each other to, “ the mountain of the Lord {where} he will teach us his ways & we will walk in his paths.”
It will be a time of “peace & prosperity...for there will be nothing to fear.’
When I read the phrase, “for THERE will be nothing to fear”, the grammar teaching surfaced in my thoughts.
The people beckoned each other to come!
Where? There!
THERE, at the mountain of the Lord’s house where there will be nothing to fear!
Even though this speaks of a future time, there is a Truth for the here & now.
Years before Micah was born, a psalmist writes where we might find help:
I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?
My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.
It is unclear whether the hills are a picture of the Lord or if they are troubles in the way of coming TO the Lord, but the bottom line is that He is the place where hope, comfort & peace may be found!
Where might I feel no fear?
There, at the highest & most important place of all: the mountain of the Lord’s house.
We need GO nowhere because He is ever THERE beside us. His name is Emmanuel, God WITH us! When we turn our gaze beyond the hills that litter the paths before us, we can see & experience the end-times-kinda Peace prophesied by Micah!
Oh Father, I know 1st hand this morning the sorrow that settles when the hills before me seem to loom larger than life...& yet, You are larger than the hills we face so we face You. We leave the lesser things to come fix our gaze on the Maker of heaven & earth! WHERE we may rest naked & unafraid of anything that comes our way! THERE, at the footstool of Your throne, where grace, mercy, love, & peace abound. We answer the call to come!
December 15th One Year Bible Readings
💡MICAH 1:1-4:13
💡PSALM 134:1-3
💡PROVERBS 30:1-4
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