We have family dinner every Sunday at my parent’s house. I love this consistent time of gathering together. This particular Sunday, however, I felt a melancholy settle over my heart. You see, this Sunday, was a marked Sunday. The next morning my oldest would begin a new career, my second would begin preparations to fly back to Los Angeles to continue his pursuit of acting, my third would leave for UGA and my youngest would begin his junior year in high school. As I looked around the table, my heart longed for the land of littles and yet rejoiced to see my mighty men about to launch into a new season.
After dinner the band of brothers went upstairs to record a vlog episode about this last day as a fam together. As I listened to the banter of, “ok, you do this, I will say this” or, “Zay, you crack me up”, I was reminded of the importance of family and that we are all part of the bigger Body of Christ. Each of my sons, each of your children, have been created with a facet of God’s almighty character in order to launch as mission-minded leaders who will impact culture for others good and God’s glory! It is so easy to see giftedness and even calling in my sons, but over the years, I can’t say that I’ve pondered my part much. Even though my nest has become quieter and quieter, the quietness has provided the space and place to also ponder my part.
1 Corinthians 12:27 says that we are ALL a part of the body of Christ and yet individually members of it! The years of littles were like a fast-moving train leaving little time to ponder purpose. To be honest, I had a hard enough time simply being present and completing the tasks of motherhood, so the idea of pondering my part in the body of Christ didn’t surface much in my thoughts. If I could go back and whisper to myself a word or two, it would be this: “This season seems impossible at times, but lean in and learn as it is not only a refining and preparation time for your children, but also for you! The gems that you see in each of your sons, the leadership potential, the compassion for others, the diligence to follow through, those are all facets of God’s divine character that He has created within them the moment He knit them together in your womb! Wield this time well and all the while, continue to spend time in the Presence of the Lord, allowing Him to BE Lord over your thoughts, words, actions and deeds. As you do, you will grow as a bold daughter of the Most High King, equipping and preparing yourself for ALL that the Lord has for you within His body of believers! Like Dr. Kathy Koch often says, we are ALL created ON purpose, WITH purpose and FOR a purpose. What’s yours?
We all have individual gifts and talents.Things we would do all day long even if we weren’t paid for it.Those gifts point to our part.What is something you L-O-V-E to do that does not require effort?
How can you use that passion to serve others and bring glory to God?
Pray and ask the Lord to reveal the giftedness of each of your children – that you would have eyes to see and ears to discern their beautiful God-granted giftedness.Ask Him to give you the same eyes for yourself – to remind you of who you are, but more importantly, Whose you are as a son or daughter of the Most High King.
Here is a song about seasons. Sometimes walking through, "the land of littles" can feel like a winter season, a hidden season that will prolong for ages...it won't. I promise :) The proclamation in the song is so encouraging and is a reminder that the Lord is working out his purpose for us in whatever season we may find ourselves:
I can see the promise I can see the future You're the God of seasons And I'm just in the winter If all I know of harvest Is that it's worth my patience Then if You're not done working God I'm not done waiting You can see my promise Even in the winter Cause You're the God of greatness
Seasons by Hillsong