Vows are a funny thing…most times they feel like the righteous thing, but alotta times I think they're a religious thing that leads to trouble.
In recent years, Markel & I removed “always & never” from our vocabulary when the topic is people AND we are careful with our yes’s and no’s. If you think about it, the ONLY Unchanging One is our ALWAYS-faithful, Alpha & Omega God!
I read a story this morning about Saul & his son Jonathon. The Israelites are in a losing battle against the Philistines. Saul camps on the outskirts, while Jonathon does something about it.
He leaves the army with his armor bearer. The Lord leads Jonathan (with an earthquake to boot!) to single-handedly turn the tide of the battle!
Exhausted at day’s end, he eats some honey, not knowing he’s breaking a vow his father had made. Earlier in the day, Saul placed all of the warriors under oath that anyone who ate anything before evening would be cursed.
When Saul hears that someone didn’t obey, he rushes into another vow-that whomever broke the oath would be killed.
When he discovers that it was his own son, he hastily takes a 3RD OATH that if Jonathan doesn't die by day’s end, may God Himself kill Saul dead! WOWZA!
Jonathan’s death was spared by the pleas of the people, but it’s super ironic that Saul had to break HIS vows to spare his son from the consequences of breaking Saul’s own vow…🥴
I asked Markel this morning if there is any statement that is always true when it comes to people & he got me! He said people will always die. 😳 Let that sink in…the always-truth about people is that we all have an expiration date.
We all will always die, but that binary moment will be affected by a decision we make while still alive.
Will we utter the words that are inherently true about us? That we are sinners in desperate need of a Savior!
We will NEVER make our way to eternity with a holy God unless a Redeemer pays our debt 👉🏽 & that’s Jesus!
So there you have it…one always & one never about people that will always be true.
Holy Spirit, guard our mouths so we do not hastily say yes or no. May we be slow with our words & ONLY speak irrefutables when they align completely with Your Truth!
1 SAMUEL 14:1-52
JOHN 7:31-53
PSALM 109:1-31