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Identity Theft? Straighten Your Crown & Recall Your Nobility

Kimberly Oden

"...The king's daughter is all glorious within."

Psalm 45:13

The other day I was researching graphics that have to do with “Identity” for a Bible study I was preparing with my friend, Suzanne. As I searched and searched, the words “identity theft” kept popping up in the search. I started to become a bit annoyed, thinking, "This has NOTHING to do with our identity as sons and daughters of the Most High King..."

But then suddenly it hit me...this does have perhaps everything to do with the enemy's schemes to rob us of our identity! As I pondered the term, “identity theft”, I began to realize how it can so be applied to the spiritual realm. The enemy is so sly to sneak up behind us and knock our crown crooked with his whispering lies tied to our worth - lies that creep in and cause us to doubt our nobility. Despite years of following the King of Kings, I am not impervious to the devil's feeble attempts. But armed with this new revelation, the next time he tries to knock my crown crooked, I will stand tall, shift my shoulders back, and straighten my crown as I remember that I am a co-heir to the throne of Christ! That despite the lies that seem to resonate, I will choose instead to remember that I am the King's daughter and His Word says that, “The King’s daughter is all glorious within” Psalm 45:13.



Father God, I praise You that You knit us together with Your divine intention...every fiber, every cell, every strand of DNA that encompasses who we are, was sovereignly placed there by You, our Creator and our King! Psalm 33 says that You merely spoke and the heavens were created. That You simply breathed The Word, and all the stars were born. For when You spoke, the earth and everything (and everyone in it) appeared at Your command. Your Word says that Your future plans for us and for our children stand firm forever. Yes, Your intentions can never be shaken. (Psalm 33:6,9,11). That is so comforting Lord as we continue to endeavor to let our minds trust in You alone! Lord Jesus, when the enemy creeps into our lives, tempting us to believe that we are less than who You created us to be the day you spoke the Word, let us stand firm and resolute, knowing that Your intention for us will never be shaken. You are our King and we humbly subject ourselves to Your Authority. Holy Spirit, remind us of the sweet peace of Jesus that settles on us when we subject our thoughts, actions, words and will to You, despite circumstantial evidence or the enemy's lies that try to dissuade us otherwise. Father, strengthen us, help us to take our thoughts captive and intentionally take You at your Word, remembering Whose we are and choose instead to walk as Your subjects, Your royal daughters, in Your wisdom and in Your ways. We pray all of this in Jesus's mighty and powerful name! Amen!


sift:to isolate that which is most important or essential

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The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.

~ Hans Hofmann

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