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Writer's picture~Kimberly Oden

Be Wary of Chasing Wind

The Lord has me in a still youngest left the nest, so my house is still. Markel & I are in career transitions, so our finances are still. The cast on my arm is limiting my ability to fully workout, so my body feels still.

All of this stillness can feel deafening at times, especially when you’re innately wired as a get-it-done-girl.

The other day, a friend talked about Psalm 46:10 & how God is revealing Himself to her in the stillness. That very verse is in the One Year Bible reading for today & it is a simple imperative with two commands:

👉🏽Be still & know that I am God

The phrase, “be still” means to sink in, drop & relax. The Hebrew root takes it a little further & describes being still as becoming completely healed.

The second imperative, “know” comes from the root word “yada” which means to intimately know by experience. The most intimate sense of “knowing” can be visualized through the relationship between a husband & wife - they know each other so well that they become one!

The chapter in Ecclesiastes for today describes the busyness of life - King Solomon laments how he’s had access to all of the things life has to offer, gold, huge homes, wisdom, women & even wine, & yet all of these things left him feeling like he was chasing after the wind. The Psalmist describes the opposite kinda life - to simply be still - to sink into our heavenly Father’s lap, to drop the incessant flapping of our wings so that healing might happen AS we begin to know Him on the most intimate of levels.

✨He created us as human BEings, not human DOings.✨

The Great I Am longs to BE our everything! It’s not that we are to be indolent & unconcerned with the happenings around us, but He calls us to sink our trust into Him alone, becoming quiet & easy IN Him as we hand over the feelings of fretful fear & even impatience. It is there, where we intimately begin to know the Great I Am in the safe stillness of HIS wings, that we can sustain a holy expectation of His divine providence & protection.

Father, we want to know You on the most intimate of levels. Guard us from chasing after the wind & lead us to the healing stillness of your Presence.


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