Sometimes it’s easy to let my soul tell the summary of what’s goin’ on. I’ve been tempted to allow this on many occasions this week.
Whether it’s some new mandate the government is about to announce, or a vague summary from the doctor that requires more waiting, or simply speaking with my friend to some mama’s on the design of the family, my mind, will & emotions can try to summarize circumstances.
Honestly, my thought patterns have jumped from, “The sky is falling in our nation!” to “What if they diagnose me with ____?” to “You are an unskilled speaker whose family didn’t follow God’s design, so who are you to speak?”
Allowing our soul to drive the summary can be exhausting!😳
We all have a soul comprised of our mind, will & emotions, but we are also a spirit that lives in a body - three parts.
✨We are not made to serve the soul. Our soul (& body) are made to serve the Spirit.✨
There are several references that Paul was an unskilled speaker & yet I cannot find reference to a time that he let his soul summarize the circumstance. He was whipped, beaten & eventually martyred for speaking so boldly...he did not let his soul deter him from the Spirit’s clarion call to preach Christ alone. He may have been unskilled as a speaker, but he also had first-hand knowledge of the good news of the Gospel.
We may not know the details of what’s unfolding around us but like Paul, we don’t have to be feelin’ great to be used by Jesus.
Emmanuel is ever with us. He is the very essence of peace & we carry His kingdom as emissaries. We can command our soul to obey the Spirit so that we can walk as light bearers in this darkening world.
People are desperate for light! The circumstantial shaking of our world is awaking folks to their need for security that is tangible & eternal. We carry the answer & His name is Jesus.
Father, help us when we’re weary. We command our souls to follow the call of the Spirit in our lives. When our soul tries to summarize circumstances & incite fear, remind us of Who You are, why we’re here & Whom we carry. We will only turn to You for Truth about what’s happening. May our lives become ignited emissaries led only by Spirit🔥
September 9th One Year Bible Readings
💡Isaiah 3:1-5:30
💡2 Corinthians 11:1-15
💡Psalm 53:1-6
💡Proverbs 22:28-29