The other day I shared something with my husband & he questioned me, as if what I said wasn’t true. That can be a hot button for me-questioning my integrity. I tried to resist the anger welling up inside, but stepped right into it & sarcastically blurted. “No, I just decided to tell you a bold lie to see how you’d react.” 😳 It took him a second, then he turned around in the kitchen to face me & immediately knew I was upset.
My response was so unnecessary & yet the why behind it is understandable. When someone you love questions whether or not you are trustworthy, it stings…a lot.
This is the case with our good God. Time & again we read how the Israelites didn’t trust Him to care for them & turned instead to worship lifeless little g gods.
Shortly after rescuing them from slavery by leading them through the Red Sea, they began to grumble about the lack of food & water. Psalm 78:22 says that the Lord heard them & was furious! His anger rose against Israel, “for they did not believe God or trust Him to care for them.”😬
We serve a covenant-keeping God Who gives us a choice to follow Him.
Deuteronomy 30:19 gives us a glimpse inside the longing of His heart FOR us! He declares, “Today I give you the choice between life & death…oh, that you would choose life!”
How do we do that? “By loving God, obeying Him & committing ourselves firmly to Him for HE is the key to life!” (v 20)
That was the old covenant but Jesus came to fulfill it! When we accept Him as our Savior & give Him Lordship, we need never question the integrity of our good God!
Are you facing what feels like an impossible situation today? Do not fear! Do not let your faith fade! Do not let the enemy tempt you to question God or His ability & desire to care for you!
Oh that we would choose the Source of life rather than other gods in our lives for comfort!
Father, woo hearts that feel far from You today. Proximity from Your Presence is simply a choice. You are Emmanuel, ever with us. You do not turn away, we do. We believe You & trust You to care for us. When we turn to You, we position ourselves to experience the return on Your Word! Help us to walk in Your Ways, keeping lockstep with our Lord!
April 6th One Year Bible Readings DEUTERONOMY 29:1-30:20
LUKE 11:37-12:7
PSALM 78:1-31
PROVERBS 12:19-20