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Writer's picture~Kimberly Oden

If There is Something that I Lack, then God Must Not Deem it “Good” for this Season

Are you in a season where it feels like lack is nipping at your heals? I actually think that we will always experience some sort of dissatisfaction this side of heaven. It acts like a gentle & constant reminder that this place is not our final destination.

If our hope is in money gained, weight lost, an amazing job or something fixed, the desires will be dashed because those things have no power to provide living & eternal hope.

David reminds us in Psalm 34:10 that those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing. If this is true, then this thought must also be true:

If there is something that I lack,

then God must not deem it “good”.😬

Maybe it’s not “good” for now or maybe He’s got a GREATER “good” on the way & we just can’t see it yet!

Experiencing lack long term, can tempt a heart to feel lack luster.🥲 I’m sure that’s how the disciples felt when Jesus was placed in the tomb.

I just read of the day the stone was rolled in place in front of His tomb. It was sealed & guards were placed before it to protect the grave from being robbed. What’s funny is that it WAS!

The Pharisees wanted to make sure that no followers of Jesus would remove His body, fulfilling the prophecy that He would raise again on the 3rd day. But the seal they requested, sealed the assurance that Jesus robbed the grave by conquering death!

There initially would be no explanation for the empty tomb until Jesus appeared. His dead body on the cross & then the empty tomb HAD to shake the faith of His followers. All hope seemed lost until they came face to face with their living, breathing, eternal Hope!

You might be facing a season where it seems like all hope is lost. Where the Living Hope is long in coming, but remember this: His name is also, “The Word” & you can take The Word at His Word!

His Word says that all who trust in Him will lack no good thing, so if there is some sorta lack you are facing right now, trust that He’s got a bigger & better “good” in store! Like the disciples, it just might take a few days, so worship Him while you wait! Make the most of these temporary days knowing that the day is coming when all needs will be met for eternity! 🤗

EXODUS 35:10-36:38

MATTHEW 27:32-66

PSALM 34:1-10



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