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Writer's picture~Kimberly Oden

If Your Life Became a Published Work, What Would it Proclaim?

“If my life were a published work, what would it proclaim?”

That’s the question that surfaced as I read the account of King David bringing the Ark of God back to Israel with unrestrained worship.

He skips with laughter & dances with such freedom that when his wife sees him from her upper window, she is immediately filled with contempt.

Undaunted, David continues to worship. He humbly lays aside his royal robes, trading them for the simple linen robe of a priest. He intimately knows the Lord, His Shepherd, Whose very Presence is housed in the Ark the priests carry.

His God helped him conquer a lion when he had no weapon but a sling & a stone.

He now knows it was preparation for a much bigger adversary soon to come, a giant named Goliath.

He knows & loves his God Who was with him all the years crazy King Saul tried to kill him!

David has a story written by His Shepherd who faithfully led this shepherd boy every step of the way.

Now, King David leads The Ark of God’s Presence back to Israel with unrestrained worship. He knows with precision the ways God has orchestrated his life, so David orchestrates trumpets & cymbals, lyres & harps, singers & dancers as he led the processional of God’s Presence before the people.

Even after the contempt of his wife Michal, David keeps a single-minded pursuit on the only One that matters by publishing a song of thanksgiving before the entire nation!

He exhorts the people to proclaim his greatness, letting the whole world know what He’s done! He reminds them of Who He is, who they WERE, what He’s done & who they are now!

He writes, 

“Let the whole earth sing to the LORD! Each day proclaim the good news that He saves. Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things He does.”

So how about you? If your life  became a published work, what would it proclaim?

Father, Romans declares that through everything God made, people can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power & divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

May our lives become published works declaring Who You are & what You can do through repentant hearts willing to Follow Your lead!

1 CHRONICLES 15:1-16:36

ROMANS 1:18-32

PSALM 10:1-15



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