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Writer's picture~Kimberly Oden

Jesus Died Not Only to Save Us from the PUNISHMENT of Sin, but Also From Sin Itself

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about why a sinner saved by grace would keep on sinning…

When we know the MUCH that’s been erased on the list of charges against us, why is it so easy to let “little” sins continue to reign? Frustration, jealousy, gluttony, perfection…those are a few of my personal trip wires, but I’m sure the list could go on & on.

I think the problem is that we forget the much that’s been done FOR us, so we slide back into former patterns of sin that were forgiven & taken FROM us.

When Jesus died for us, it wasn’t only to save us from the PUNISHMENT of sin, but to save us from sin itself. PERIOD.

Y’all, we are all utterly helpless & undeserving of grace, yet Jesus died for ALL sinners for ALL time.

Most of us wouldn’t die for a “good” person, but who of us would die for someone deserving of death?

“Not I”, said the fly.😬

God loves us SO much that He sent His Son to die for us WHILE we were still smelly sinners in the pig pen of our decisions!

Dr. Mark Rutland once said,

“There is no ocean that can wash away a drop of blood from a murdered king, but the drop of a murdered king can wash away an ocean of sin for all!”

Wowza, right?

When we remember that innocent blood was shed by the sinless Son of God to pay our bill of lading in full, sin begins to lose its luster.

The former things that lured us into our favorite flavor of sin begin to sour on our palette, awakening us to the fact that not only are we saved from the punishment OF sin, but we are also saved FROM sin itself!

We no longer long to return to it like a dog to vomit. And when we do, the sin hangover lasts only as long as we remain in it, lifting when we turn our spirit, soul & body back to the Lordship of our Savior.

Father, Your plan is so specific. Through the sin of one man, all became sinners, but through the sinless life of another, we are made right with You so we can spend eternity in Your Presence!

Holy Spirit, You know the secret sins that act like trip wires in our lives. Shed light on them & make them lose their luster. Remind us today that we have been saved from the punishment of our former sin AND from sin itself! May we go, therefore, & sin no more!

1 CHRONICLES 28:1-29:30

ROMANS 5:6-21

PSALM 15:1-5

PROVERBS 19:18-19


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