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Writer's picture~Kimberly Oden

Paid in Full by Order of The King

I’d love to write a book someday...hopefully many. If I ever write one about myself, however, I’m confident that many would be stunned by the sin-stained chapters of my life 😳 There are many past moments that are held in forgiven secret between God and me...

I accepted Jesus in my heart as my Savior in 5th grade, but it took many trials & tears before I invited Him to be Lord.

I will never forget the day I was baptized as an adult. My husband & two small sons were nearby as I came out of that water. I wish I had words to describe how I’s like time stopped.

When I fell back under the water, all the sins of my past flashed through my mind & then it was like a huge, red stamper descended down from heaven and blotted out that bill of lading with this:

Paid in Full by Order of The King

The erasing of my sins was nothing I could “work” to was done FOR me by my King Jesus. If you only knew the contents of my bill of lading, you’d begin to understand the insurmountable gratitude I feel.

It is for the much that I have been forgiven that I want the entire world to know the same freedom that comes from faith in our Heavenly Father who forgives the worst of sinners like me!

We need “do” nothing but accept the fact that we are sinners in need of a Savior & accept His gift of salvation.The salvation costs us nothing.

I have learned, however, that Lordship is like a daily death of my fleshly desires so that His resurrected life might live through me.

👆🏽“Daily death” sounds awful at first...that is until you experience first-hand the exciting life of faith that follows! 🎉When we trade & upgrade our desires for His, there is an inexplicable peace & joy that surfaces.

Whether it’s physical, emotional, relational or financial, the decisions I make and choices I take are not work...they are an outpouring of gratitude from one of the worst of sinners who knows oh-so-well how she “deserves” nothing but eternal death! It is only by God’s goodness & grace that I’ve been forgiven & granted an eternal seat in heaven as His adopted daughter.

I think if we can keep this eternal perspective, knowing what we truly “deserve”, decisions that require discipline (& death of self) become easier - in fact, it begins to feel like giving a gift to The One who gave the greatest gift of all- His life! All of our sins, past, present & future, have been paid in full by order of the King! Now let’s live like it!


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