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Writer's picture~Kimberly Oden

The moment we think we know everything, is the very moment we stop learning…& that’s a problem.

Have you ever said, “I’ve got it!” ? It’s easy to pretend that we’ve got it, but the moment we think we know everything, is the very moment we stop learning & that’s a problem.

My son asked me last night what I’d desire for a future wife for him & my 1st response was a woman who loves Jesus more than him. My 2nd was a woman who knows that she doesn’t know everything.

The believers in the early church were called disciples for a reason. The Greek definition means a  learner. They didn’t just follow Jesus, they learned as they went with ears to hear, eyes to see & hearts to follow.

The wisest man grew into that title by answering 1 simple question the Lord asked early in his kingship:

“What do you want? Ask & I will give it to you.”

Solomon didn’t just ask, but 1st confessed how much he didn’t know:

“I’m like a little child who doesn’t know my way around & here I am in the midst of Your chosen people, a nation so great they can’t be counted!”

Y’all he could’ve asked for ANYthing, & yet he asks for the 1 thing that leads to all others: wisdom.

It takes wisdom to know AND confess that we don’t know everything, won’t know EVERYthing & therefore don’t have to be right all the time!

So he humbly asks:

“Give me an understanding heart that I can govern YOUR people well & know the difference between right & wrong. For who by himself can govern this great people of YOURS?”

His humility is so winsome! He understands that anything he’s been given is God’s.

Wherever God has called us to govern, it is as a steward of the time, talents & treasures HE’s given! There’s great freedom to confess that we’re not a know-it-all!

The Holy Spirit came to guide us into ALL Truth! We just need to humbly ask-whether it’s an emotional wound that needs healing, a relational divide that needs mending, a financial need that requires provision…He IS the Source of ALL Truth Who promises to lead us into ALL Truth! (Jn 16:13)

Father, thank You for the freedom to confess that we don’t got it! Holy Spirit, lead us into all Truth, which begins with a confession that we don’t know it all & never will! Lead us to become life-long learners  so we may humbly govern the life God has given us!

1 KINGS 3:3-4:34

ACTS 6:1-15

PSALM 126:1-6

PROVERBS 16:26-27


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