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What Is My Greatest Ambition?

Writer's picture: ~Kimberly Oden~Kimberly Oden

There’s something super satisfying about seeing work completed. 💯 The other day we were at a friend’s house & they showed us how these vines had grown over the back of their home - so much so that you couldn’t even see the foundation. I was so distracted by the moment of immediate gratification before me, that I wandered over to the vines & started pulling. It was so fun to see big portions of the house peek through...that is until I leaned back with all my weight & the vine snapped...I tumbled backwards & heard a crack in my wrist when I tried to break my fall. 😩

Here’s the thing - they didn’t ask for my help. I just ambitiously dove into a task that would feel amazing when done. It’s kind of a silly example, but when I read Romans 15 today, I kept hearing two compelling questions: what is my greatest ambition & dare I boast about it?

I’m sitting in a season where I have many opportunities before me...good ones even. Things I could knock out of the ballpark on my own strength, but sometimes, many times really, when I lean into my own strength to fulfill my ambition for security or provision, I place myself in a precarious position where I just might fall.

Paul says that he dare not boast about anything except what Christ has done. The word “dare” means bold courage - to lay everything on the line. It is meant to describe venturing forward through necessary risk by putting fear behind & embracing the fruit that lies ahead.

👆🏽That is a mouthful definition but it’s worth re-reading a few times...

Paul’s primary ambition was to spread the Good News where the name of Christ has never been heard.

I know that we are not all called to be overseas missionaries, but really we are, wherever we are.

The question is this: Will I allow the Lordship of Jesus become my primary ambition, the only thing I dare boast?

Regardless of the space or place I find myself in - my marriage, my family, my job, even at the grocery store or Home Depot, will my greatest ambition be to reveal Christ alone?

Will I trade my selfish anger for his eternal love?

Will I take a deep breath before reacting so that I may respond in His peace?

Will I pause before diving on bro what’s easy or what’s immediately pleasing and ask Him where He might have the greatest impact through me?

Then, will I follow His lead and trust Him with the details?

The word “ambition” means to love & seek after honor. How might our lives change if our greatest ambition was to love & seek after the honor of Jesus our Savior?

Father, no matter what decisions that lie ahead, there is safety when we follow You. Holy Spirit, help us to leave fear in the dust that rises when we keep lock-step with our King. There is no risk when we let your Lordship to reign. May Your fame alone become our primary ambition, the only thing I dare boast.

August 1st One Year Bible Readings 2 Chronicles 30:1-31:21 Romans 15:1-22 Psalm 25:1-15 Proverbs 20:13-15


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