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Writer's picture~Kimberly Oden

When You Let Your Spirit Lead in Lock-step with the HOLY Spirit, God Puts His Super in Your Natural

Avoiding a fight is a mark of honor for only fools insist on quarreling.

King Solomon wrote that tidbit of wisdom & it’s sometimes hard to remember in the middle of a disagreement😬

I sometimes think that if external badges were possible in life, (like when I was a Girl Scout), that I’d be more apt to “do good”. I loved that silly sash with all of the badges I earned. I think we all like external accomplishment on some level…& that’s probably why the kingdom of God is a lot less about doing & far more about following.

I’ll never forget when my guys were little & I made the novice mistake of praying for patience.🙄

The problem with praying for patience, is, well, it has to be tried so you have opportunity to CHOOSE patience, right?

Well,…not really.

If becoming patient (or loving, kind, joyful, etc,) were completely dependent on us white knuckling our way through, then yes, we’d need to be tested to show what we know.

BUT, when we remember that all those things aren’t simply feelings, but actual fruits of the Holy Spirit who resides inside, our perspective completely changes!

It becomes far less about earning a badge of honor & far more about following His lead!

When we let our spirits lead our body & soul in lock-step with the HOLY Spirit, God puts His super in our natural! (Got that line from my pastor 😉). No striving needed!

Another version says that it is honorable for a man to stop striving. Did you know that striving & strife share the same root!😳 I’d venture to say that anything we STRIVE to do, allows strife to quickly surface.

When we strive to accomplish things in our own will & insist on our own way, it leaves no room for the Holy Spirit to operate.

Father, we thank you that there are no external badges as we follow Your lead! It’s so easy to boast in our own strength, but we want to boast only in the name of the Lord our God!

Holy Spirit, have your way with us so when times of testing DO arise, Your fruit will also rise!

Tune our ears to hear Your voice over the tantrums of our own for that’s when striving ceases! We know that when we come under bit & bridle of Your counsel, we honor the Lord, the only One with honor due 💞

2 CHRONICLES 17:1-18:34

ROMANS 9:25-10:13

PSALM 20:1-9



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